
In 2020 four of us, Eszter Gál, Ági Gyulavári, Ferenc Kálmán and Vera Sifter decided to create a high quality somatic movement educator training program in Hungary. We established the Somatic Dialogues Academy (SODA) which announces its 500-hour training program for people with a profound interest in somatics to become qualified Somatic Movement Educators.

We have worked in a collaborative format in various mixed ability projects for more than a decade, including art and therapy groups for participants with severe physical and mental challenges. We are all members of the ArtMan Nonprofit Association for the Arts and Movement Therapy and working on the field of contemporary art.

For our new somatic program Eszter, Ági and Ferenc form the core educational team with Vera as a manager of the training program. As teachers we represent different somatic schools in our background. We are interested in exploring and integrating these studies to uncover their common basics as well as their specialities and bringing the dialogue of the different approaches in the focus while supporting each other's teaching.

Eszter Gál

Ági Gyulavári

Ferenc Kálmán

Vera Sifter